
Before 911

Growing up in Canada, any lived experience of hate, violence, racism and Islamophobia is commonplace. I faced all this internally within the Muslim community and externally in many forms. Name-calling, bullying, exploitation harassment were common experiences in my life.  I was isolated and bullied with name-calling, “You Ugly Ref! fresh off the boat! Did you arrive in Canada on a Camel? Where is your Camel?  Go back to your desert or to wherever you came from, we hate you, get out of here.” I had many incidents of street violence and harassment, cyberbullying and harassment that I could not speak of at all. I had people spit on me. I was threatened and told that they knew where I lived if I said anything. I knew deep down in my heart and spirit the truth, this is my home, and I belong here, and they don’t know the truth. 

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