

“Being a disabled Muslim woman, who chooses to wear hijab, has been difficult when I step outside my house.” - This is Nadia's story.

December 3 marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Every seventh person alive today – more than 1 billion people in total – lives with some form of disability. Despite this, persons with disabilities are still overwhelmingly overlooked, undermined and discriminated against.

Nadia, who lives with a disability, experienced a discriminatory encounter while she was on the swings at a neighbourhood park. She knew that if she had been a white woman, things may have happened differently. Oftentimes, Muslim women are attacked and persecuted for simply being in public spaces, living their lives. Nadia implores the community to stand up and speak out about injustices we face in everyday life. “My call to action is: Muslims, we are stronger and we need to stand up. We need to be brave.”

About the Hate2Healing Campaign
Recognizing the strength of storytelling, CCMW launches a unique Hate2Healing anti-hate social media campaign to mark October’s Islamic Heritage Month. The campaign comprises 15 videos from diverse Muslim women, girls and non-binary people coming together to speak about their lived experiences of hate, racism and Islamophobia. The campaign aims to start the healing and recovery process for many survivors of hate by encouraging them to share their stories and start talking about their experiences both online and offline.
